Sunday, March 18, 2012

I used to blog a lot. I can't even begin to tell you what went wrong. Did life get boring? Have I turned shy? Maybe I decided it was time to keep some stuff private. I don't know the reason. What I do know is that it has become almost impossible to start doing it again. I have deleted numerous posts that have contained anywhere from one to two sentences to several paragraphs. I've even deleted all content from several blogs.

I miss writing. I miss sitting down in front of my computer and letting my fingers help me work through my shit. Old shit, new shit, awesome shit, scary shit. Something from my past nagging me? Just like a masseuse working on a troublesome knot, my fingers help me work it all out. I always came away feeling happier, calmer, and satisfied. Lately the opposite is true.

Writing sucks right now. It feels like writing and I have been intimate for so long. Writing knows all my deep dark secrets. You know, the ones you regret sharing. You know what happened next. It became awkward. After awkward comes the break up. Is that what this is? Are we at the break up stage? Or will I cling to this relationship like a virgin will cling to the first guy she bangs?

Here's another question, why are there so many questions in this post? Usually I ask and answer as I go. Usually I figure it all out by the time I key in the final period.

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