Monday, March 19, 2012

Clocking In

They say it takes 10,000 hours to become a master of your craft. What ever that craft may be. So this is me plugging in my time for today. I took a little me time today. Usually when my honey is home from work I get to just follow him around like a puppy dog all day. This time I went about my regular routine of cleaning up before going on my walk with a friend. She didn't want to walk today, but I wanted desperately to get out of the house and chat with someone I don't see all the time.

Plus I wanted to get faded and reflect on my own thoughts for a little bit. So I did, and I did. Hearing some of the crazy drama she's seen makes me feel better about my own. Everyone goes through crazy and boring shit. I'm not the only weirdo. I just have to write. Sit down here and pluck away at the keys till it starts pouring out of me again.

I can write myself happy, sad, or horny depending on what I'm writing. Usually I go with my mood, but sometimes I can go against it. It's a bit like pulling teeth, but when I'm in the writing groove I can pull it off. Too bad I'm not there yet. Right now, I feel all over the place, and right now my writing is all over the place too.

Sorry you had to come here and read this less than inspiring post, but like I said I'm just punching in the clock. Now it's time to clock out.

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