Thursday, February 18, 2010

I'm all stressed out over taxes. Being self employed sucks big time. Adding up tons of receipts and prayin you didn't make a mistake is torture. Add to that the fact that we want to buy a house this year and I'm leaving out some of the deductions we deserve for qualifying sake. But if we end up paying the tax man all our savings we won't be able to qualify anyway. If we take all our deductions we may end up with some money back... but may not qualify. all this stress sucks! When we got home from our appointment with the tax preparer, Damien put it all into perspective for me. We're just rats. Hairless ones to be exact. isn't that the truth. Some things don't really matter. Scribbling on the sidewalk in chalk and pretending to be a hairless rat is what really matters in the end. It isn't where we play but how we play that makes us happy. I'll worry about the taxes once they are done.
for now I'll just enjoy the moment

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