Monday, May 3, 2010

Boring Minutiae

I'm quite sure I've blogged about this before. I don't claim to be some great writer... at least not out loud, but I'm sick of looking for interesting reads only to come up with blogs that are more boring than conversations I've overheard in the grocery store.

When you write, if you don't have a point to make, and all you want to do is share a little bit of your life with someone else, at least share something interesting!! I don't care that the cake you believe you decorated so beautifully was hated by the customer only to have her come back and apologize and say she loved it. or that you so cleverly deduced that she only loves it now because everyone else loved it.

Remember that old saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."? well change nice to important or interesting and it applies.

I like venting blogs too. The one's where the writer has nothing nice to say, and says it with lots of attitude and curse words. I don't want to read someones boring politically correct work. No body is perfect and I don't want to read the work of someone who so painstakingly sets about to appear as if they are.

I want to get a sneak peek at the writer through their work. Show off your imperfections or controversial stances. Tell me you once stuck a pin on the teachers chair, you once stole candy from the liquor store. Tell me something that is going to entertain me during my down time!

I'm in search of more! Something more! I don't know what, but I know where I'm not finding it! Where are my favorite bloggers at? Where are your stories?